5 reasons to switch to reusable pads

5 reasons to switch to reusable pads

Making the switch from disposable period products to reusable alternatives can be daunting. Whether you’re switching from traditional pads or tampons to other options such as a menstrual cup, reusable pads or period underwear, there are many factors to consider. Overall, reusable menstrual pads are an amazing alternative to disposable products, and here are five reasons why:

  1. Increased Safety: No Toxic Chemicals

Firstly, reusable pads are a safer alternative to single-use pads and tampons. Traditional products contain several toxic and carcinogenic chemicals including styrene, chloromethane, chloroform, and acetone. Reusable pads contain none of these dangerous chemicals, and significantly reduce the risk of Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) that tampons can cause. 

It is important to note that you must always wash your reusable pads after use to ensure they are clean and ready to be reused. There’s no need to boil them or do anything too fancy, simply make sure they go through a regular rinse and wash cycle! As long as you do so, they are one of the safest possible period products on the market.

  1. Enhanced Comfort

Because reusable sanitary pads are made out of cloth, unlike regular pads that often feel plastic-y, bulky, and crinkly. Cloth period pads feel extremely similar to regular underwear, and will blend right in - you may even forget that you have one on! Just make sure you don’t forget to change it according to your usual flow and personal schedule.

  1. Longterm Savings: Buy Once, Never Run Out!

While reusable menstrual pads may come at a slightly increased cost-per-pad upfront, over the course of your lifetime (assuming you have many more menstrual cycles to come), buying just 6-8 cloth pads can replace approximately five years worth of disposable menstrual products, that you’d likely have to repurchase every few months.

Once you invest in high-quality reusable period pads and take care of them properly, you won’t have to worry about forking out cash every month or running out of your stash at an inopportune time ever again. 

  1. Environmental Benefits: Zero Waste

Unsurprisingly, reusable cloth period pads also have incredible environmental benefits. Instead of wasting approximately 10,000 disposable pads, tampons, and/or panty liners throughout your life, you can save thousands of products from the landfill just by making the switch to reusable products. Not only are reusable pads beneficial for you, in terms of safety, comfort, and cost, but they’re also beneficial for the planet! 

  1. Support a Small Business

Even though small businesses are the backbone of the economy, huge conglomerates like Tampax (Procter & Gamble) and Kotex (Kimberly-Clark) dominate the disposable period product market. Instead of supporting these global companies, supporting a small business that makes reusable period products will provide you the opportunity to give back to your local economy, and the real people behind it. 

Small businesses often offer superior customer service and have better labor practices than larger companies, as well. You can rest easy at night knowing that your products are made in a loving environment, and that you are directly contributing to your community. 

Overall, reusable pads are the perfect win-win option for anyone with a period. Check them out here!

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